Monday, January 21, 2008

The Book of Kings and Today's Society

The culture, religious, and political history that is included throughout the life of David and Solomon were very intriguing to me in many ways. I can see where God called these leaders along with several other characters to create the foundation of the faith I have today. This must be the faith truths of the Hebrew Scriptures. As I read through the various scriptures I am at awe that these individuals can claim to be Gods people with the killings, orgies, conniving, and idol worshipping that took place. However they really are not much different then we are today, with war, abortion, sin, oppression, idols etc.

I am also amazed that God has chosen this group. However, as I read between the lines I realize that David had a mission to build a nation for God. Solomon had a mission to build a temple where Gods people could come to worship and receive forgiveness. Regardless of the character defects these individuals had, they must have pleased God in many ways to have these responsibilities and blessings. They both show that I have a forgiving Father who will accept me for my flaws as well as bless me with my gifts, As long as I use them wisely.

Solomon’s Prayer of dedication, his wisdom, and David’s Psalms have been helpful to me in many ways over the years. Although most were written for the time David and Solomon were living, the content and context still reach out and relate to my world today.

We still have wars, power struggles, sex and lies in today’s age like never before. We still have the rich and the poor, the leaders and the followers, the evil in the world and the blessings of God. We also share the same feelings these people felt of joy, gratitude, sadness, anger, despair, anguish and frustration.

I could write for hours about the subjects above, however the bottom line is that we are still out there searching for our God who is a mystery. We know He has promised us salvation, forgiveness, and a place with Him in Heaven, provided we keep our end of the bargain. (Covenant)

I was recently doing some readings on promises, forgiveness, and community. It works the same today as it did back then, only with new characters with new gifts from God. I can only hope and pray for a more just society, less war, and a community sharing with all. Our leaders and we who have received certain gifts need to keep working at our journey towards God and a continuous conversion of heart. What do you Think?

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