Monday, March 31, 2008

An Act of Kindness, Delta Township, Hits Lansing

Members of Trinity Methodist Church, Delta Township were focusing on solutions yesterday as an example of Jesus Christ. Maybe this will catch on in Delta Township, Lansing, and around the state. The State Journal even contributed to the good works by writing an excellent article. Yesterday was Divine Mercy Sunday, with the Gospel focusing on the story of Thomas hearing Jesus say, "do not be faithless, but believe" and Thomas responding "My Lord and my God"
Wouldn't it be exciting if the other denominations and faiths joined in on this community example, made a effort to work side by side as Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Jewish, Muslims, Hindu and even the none believers to help others in some small act of kindness. I know many churches, organizations and individuals who are already providing great community service throughout the greater Lansing area, and should be thanked for their efforts. However, the impact of the masses, sometimes, shakes up the conscience of Christians and other faiths to become more ecumenical in our lives. What do you think?
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Alleluia, He's Alive

Happy Easter to all of you on this beautiful snow day in Michigan. I had an opportunity today to attend the 9:00 a.m. Liturgy where I had fresh Easter Lillie's right in front of me to smell, a group of about 12 people participating in the Mass using sign language, which was moving to watch them sing in sign language, and Fr. Jerry giving another brilliant homily that helped me understand how we Catholics should be Easter people everyday, all year.

We are just coming off a week of mourning for Jesus, fast, penance, and reflecting on our own death and resurrection. We have experienced the baptism of new members, confirmations, anointing, stations of the cross, holy water sprinkled on us, feet washings, and numerous other symbolic opportunities to connect with our faith.
Sacramental celebrations will always be a fundamental source for theological reflection. We are symbolic Christians who have experienced Jesus' victory over sin and death for our new life in Christ. Alleluia, now we just need to live it the next 364 days.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Social Justice, What's Our Purpose?

Matthew 25 creates the overwhelming responsibility and heart wrenching area of social justice that makes me sometimes wish I never would have discovered, what I really knew all along, but left my head in the sand. With millions of children and adults dying every year of starvation and the injustice taking place in our world, it is my obligation out of love to do more than I have in the past. The start of love is one person at a time in my opinion.

Discovering and growing my faith, discerning over obligations that go along with the betterment of the world as a result of my love for mankind, (Love your neighbor), and the grace that God has given me of salvation, talents and the ability to love are all obligations that need to be sorted out consciously to determine my purpose in life. Why it is some people can just say my purpose in life is to be a good father, husband, employee and go to church on Sunday and others like myself, have to make this journey very complicated and question weather we have really discovered our purpose in life.

The love and self-giving is an obligation that goes along with discovering Gods plan for us. It is also nice to realize that unconditional love is what God has for us. So when I sin or fail to fulfill my obligations as a servant, He will still love me and forgive me. It is also rewarding and comforting to know that this love has been there all the years when I was not there for God.
I guess, I really have discovered my purpose in life, however it’s like everything in the world today, change is inevitable. What do you think?
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