Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Spiritual & Corporal Works - Does It? Where's Our Mercy?

The Spiritual and Corporal works of mercy in today’s world may seem odd compared to their purpose of charitable mercy for the body and soul of our neighbor, which were originated and deep rooted from scripture and tradition. Do these duties and responsibilities as Christians apply today? If so, why are so many going without? Are we morally obligated while here on earth to fulfill the great commandments of loving our neighbor? It seems to be pretty much summed up in Matthew: 25:40 - and the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me. Here's our to do list, based on results, we are either sheep or goats. The list starts with #1, good luck and have a blessed day!

1. Feed the hungry
2. Convert the sinner
3. Give drink to the thirsty
4. instruct the ignorant
5. Clothe the naked
6. Counsel the doubtful
7. Shelter the homeless

1. Comfort the sorrowful
2. Visit the sick
3. Bear wrongs patiently
4. Visit those in prison
5. Forgive injuries
6. Bury the dead
7. Pray for the living and the dead

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