Sunday, May 25, 2008

Grace, Karl Rahner Had It! We Can Also!

One of my favorite theologians is Karl Rahner who was very instrumental at Vatican II for his committee work and input on many of the changes we have experienced over the past 40 years. His reflection on Grace has always helped me to understand God's self-communication to us although we may not feel, hear or see it. I think that's where faith comes in. Rahner claims we live and exist in a universe of grace described as universal. You maybe asking as I often have, if we live in a universe of grace, where was it when the earthquake which devastated Sichuan, China or tens of thousands affected By cyclone in Myanmar .

The grace has been distributed throughout the world based on those who have demanded social justice to help those in need and by the people who have received aid from strangers they never met before. I think the grace comes from a self giving God who makes us self giving by getting out of our own head and helping others. Karl Rahner believes that we are called often to this grace, however some of us don't always respond to it.

One does not have to be Catholic or Christian to accept this grace he is referring to. Many non-believers have been called to grace by loving their neighbor and doing what their conscious has called them to do. Maybe this is God's way of addressing our deepest level of existence and bringing about that spiritual awakening that our world needs so badly to help the less fortunate.
The Catholic Relief Services can use help today to aid those in need. Please give generously, even if it's a small amount, God's grace will flow to many people including you.

Have a Grace filled weekend and Memorial Day, Mike

Photo compliments of Flickr, Feusl's Photostream

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