Monday, April 21, 2008

Christian Ministry is Universal and Diverse:

Ministry is for each baptized person. It is a community and service, not an object or title. Ministry is a function given by the Holy Spirit by means of chrisms, gifts, and talents that are to be used for the benefit of the community. (This could mean the world or a small community). Ministry is public action. Wow! I never looked at myself as a minister until I had the opportunity to learn more about what my faith was really about. Rademacher brings it out in his book on Lay Ministry, which I found to be very enlightening. In today's world we can me ministers of the Gospel by acting, praying and giving to the sick, elderly, homeless, our neighbors, our church and all sorts of other challenges that face society.
In other wowrds, get out of our own head and do something for someone else. Maybe today, my ministry will be to just be a good listener, offer no advive what so ever, and pray for the person I heard out. What do you think?

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