Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spiritual Exercises Help Us To Know God Better

The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola help us to know God better by seeing how He plays a major role in our life, imagination and what we experience on a daily basis. I often sit out on my back porch early in the morning and just become in awe at the birds, flowers and sky. This is my quiet time to reflect on God, my life and how blessed we are.

Once the noises of the everyday traffic, people and other commotions start, it becomes difficult to concentrate on spirituality and prayer. Ignatius helps me to become more aware of what we as humans really want which is peace, serenity and presence with God in our life.

I think we are always experiencing the ever presence of God in our lives, however it takes discipline and concentration to become aware of His wants and needs for us because we have been so addicted to the world. The light at the end of the tunnel is an opportunity for us to become part of each other the Trinity and our real purpose in life.

I thank God today for providing great people like St. Ignatius, St. Francis, John of the Cross and others who have taught me to slow down, breath deeply, and find the spirit of God with me and all that is around me. Gaining interior peace can be accomplished in this hectic world if we stop to make time for it, reflect, and shut the world off for that precious moment or two.

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